Every student deserves the best support to build their future. How can we help?

An Erasmus+
Strategic Partnership
to support schools

in order to improve
quality standards

for career learning

and guidance

8 partners from 7 European countries got together to create resources and digital tools to guide secondary schools in a journey to improve guidance services for students.





We started from a previous experience. In 2018, Prof. Ronald Sultana, one of the world experts in guidance, wrote a handbook to help secondary schools enhance quality of their guidance services. The handbook travelled all over the world.  Starting from that, we plan a participatory research to build a comprehensive quality framework which could be adapted to different national contexts. We will do it with national and international focus groups. 

Read the handbook by Prof. Ronald Sultana.

Watch a lecture on quality in career guidance by Dr. Erik Hagaseth Haug. 

Take part in our participatory research actions! 




We will build a self-assessment online tool for secondary schools. This will help them check, identify and address the gaps in their services and improve the weakest areas of the career guidance system of each school. It will support schools to play an active role in the definition and the implementation of the main aspects of the quality framework, including skills of teachers, education resources, career information, and guidance models. 




We will develop a new e-learning platform for teachers and practitioners linked to the quality framework.  This aims at empowering the community of teachers and school staff to implement the quality system and to optimally support and help students in the complex task of career planning and development.




We will build an integrated e-guidance platform to provide schools with an effective career guidance system, based on the quality framework and powered through accessible digital tools, webinar and video interviews devices, video-tutorials, career software and career information resources. 


Watch a lecture on quality in career guidance by Dr. Erik Hagaseth Haug.

This is a collaborative adventure.  

Take part in this SOCIAL INNOVATION experiment!

1. HELP US CREATE THE QUALITY FRAMEWORK taking part in the national focus groups.   We try to build together the best strategy to improve guidance in your country.


2. TEST & PILOT the        check-list and let us help you plan a strategy to improve the guidance services of your school. We will provide personalised training and  e-guidance resources.   

3. STAY INFORMED on the latest news on the project. We will tell you all about this journey towards better guidance services for students. You will find all the updates on the new resources developed.